Nepal: Kathmandu - Reisverslag uit New Delhi, India van Paul Sutman - Nepal: Kathmandu - Reisverslag uit New Delhi, India van Paul Sutman -

Nepal: Kathmandu

Door: Paul Sutman

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Paul

06 November 2011 | India, New Delhi

Hey everyone!! Here's another late update. :) I hope everyone is doing great. I hear from some of you through the internet and I love it!

So.. after a 'long' trip (everything is relative) I arrived at my hotel in Kathmandu. Most of you have already seen the breathtaking pictures taken from the rooftop restaurant at hotel Nepalaya.

After walking around I soon found Thamel to be even more crowded than Bangkok. Luckily, by this time, I was already somewhat used to this, so I managed quite well..

Too well, I think, because I ended up staying in Thamel for more than a week. I met such sweet people and it didn't take long for me to get to know most of the bands playing at live bars. I was jumping on stage and having fun every night.

One thing that really struck me though, was the Nepal police.. Tourists were treated as gods.. again.. But the locals weren't. Live-music stops at 10 PM and if there are still bands playing, police comes in with whistles and the bar get a big ticket to pay. and at 00.00 every bar has to close. I was at this bar and not everybody was out at 00.10 so the owner/leadsinger got arrested!!! and in the streets, after 00.00, Nepali people are literally slammed into their houses, while the tourists can walk the streets all night long.. So wrong, so wrong..

And don't get me started on Nepali politics.. 27 political parties, all very corrupted and with different interests, constantly debating issues that are not helping the 'common' people. All just to keep their seats and paychecks. Some parties are connected to Indian interests, some to Chinese interests and some to American interests.. Where's the unity? Prime-minister Baburam Bhattarai is one of the only ones with a sincere heart. But he can't create unity on his own. Nepal needs a revolution.. The people have no idea how much power and influence they can have.

When talking to Nepali people about this, they immediately lower their voices. If they speak out their opinions too loudly, their 'neighbours' might tell on them and the police might do something about it. Since tourism is the biggest source of income for Nepal, one or two shop-owners less is good for the business of the others.. No unity.. Verdeel en heers.. Fucked up!

But.. I don't want you to think that I am a freedom-fighter now. Because I have spent my days in Thamel just like any other tourist. Eating, drinking, partying and buying.. I'm not sure if that made things better or worse..

I met lots of wonderful people though, and I am so thankful for meeting them. Very special ones in Kathmandu were John, Santosh, Deependra and Elina. They are all over my photos on
Me and Elina went to the slums and shared many thoughts and laughs (and beers) while me and John went on to become travel-buddies for about 7 weeks (miss you John..).

I will continue in a new report, because this one is getting kind of long. Hope I'm not boring you, it just feels good to finally get these things off of my chest.

Big hugs and kisses to all of you, especially my family and all others who consider themselves my family.. :D I'm feeling good! XX

  • 09 November 2011 - 16:15


    Ha Paul,
    Mooi om jouw visie op de problemen in Nepal te horen. Zo te lezen is er de afgelopen zes jaar niks veranderd. Toen ik daar was, was de oorlog officieel nog bezig en was er geen democratie. Ik zie dat de democratie nog steeds een farce is. Ik ben benieuwd hoe dit zich gaat ontwikkelen...
    En ondanks alles is Nepal natuurlijk gewoon een heel fijn land! Tof dat je het er goed hebt gehad. Ik ben benieuwd naar je ervaringen in McLeod Ganj. Groetjes!

  • 09 November 2011 - 22:04


    Hi Paul!

    Great to read something again! =]
    I'm so glad you're doing fine and having fun.
    Just be safe and don't do anything stupid, haha! I'm pretty sure you won't, you're smart enough. ;]

    I'm really hoping to meet you sometime again when you're back!

    Groet'n uut Winterswiek! ;P

  • 16 November 2011 - 18:54


    Wat een schande dat het er zo aan toe gaat daar in Nepal! De bevolking zou daar inderdaad echt een stokje voor moeten steken!! Ik hoop dat dat ze dat snel zullen doen!!
    Mooi om je verhalen te lezen paul!!

    Kus kus Eva

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Cultuur, Natuur, Avontuur, Zoet/Zuur, Geen-Frituur, Geen-Huur, Water/Vuur, Warm/Guur, Zelfbestuur, Niet-te-Duur, Door-de-Muur, Clair-Obscur, Haute-Couture, Verjongingskuur, Wereldbuur, Secuur en Op-den-Duur weer terug naar de basis, want die is puur.. xx Paul

Actief sinds 11 Aug. 2011
Verslag gelezen: 2259
Totaal aantal bezoekers 9583

Voorgaande reizen:

01 September 2011 - 01 April 2012

Zuidoost Azië, Nepal en India

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